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Itchy Feet Books
Itchy Feet Travel Tales
in Asia
a new book series
by Sam Letchworth
eBooks are available in a 5 book series for download as Kindle Short Reads.
The Paperback 'Omnibus' Complete Collection is available and on LIMITED SALE for $9.99
Buyers Outside USA: The links may be different - so just search "Sam Letchworth Itchy Feet" on
about this book(s)
From toasting horse milk vodka in the Mongolian steppe to getting intimate with Indian train toilets;
To Korean kids’ classroom antics and taxi scams in Thailand, Sam’s adventures (and misadventures) span across the Orient.
These stories of the sublime and the surreal will have you giggling and gawking as you follow Sam through the weird and wonderful world of the East.

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